while I spill some beans about myself. I've been tagged by Robyn (hi you) and Wendy (hey woman). I am dull....dull as they come...so that's why I want you sitting---you know in case you fall asleep standing.
Here are the rules for the 7 others that I'm tagging--please don't hate me:
I'm tagging:
Vicki Chrisman
Mary Shirley
Jessica Kelly
Kim Hughes
Sonda T.
Mel Nunn
Kandis Smith
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself (on your blog, we all want to know them).
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Now for the fun and not-so-fascinating facts about Melissa--haha!
1- I'm a dancer---at heart. Started when I was a wee little one, continued on through college--and now I just cry when I see others dancing---I'm darn jealous---dancing in my seat while driving is as good as it gets now.
2- I'm tall---5'10". Used to hate it, now I love it.
3- I taught gymnastics shortly after my husband and I were married. Such a fun job---so much better than cleaning toilets at Arby's when I was 16.
4- I'm a tomboy. LOVE softball, horseback riding, a little b-ball, running (short distances---get all queasy with that long-distance stuff), fishing, and I even like hunting with my husband---totally fun! Oh...and I'm learning how to drive a motorcycle---can't quite make it out of 1st gear---but I'm OK with that.
5- I have a major thing for Tic-Tacs. I can't get enough---I have issues. The downside---I can eat them by the handfuls. The upside---I have the freshest breath around, hehe.
6- My husband has taught me bunches of times how to drive a stick shift...and I still can't....he had to get a truck that was an automatic just for me---true love, eh? I can however keep one moving while hauling hay.
7- I make some meeeeaan cookies. I sell them....for $1...they're big and warm and juicy. The men in town all get a little crazed look in their eye when they see me bring my basket of cookies to the store---like they never get them or somethin', haha.
Hey---wake up---I'm all done.
Can't wait to hear about you other girls!
Here are a few Lime Tart projects for you tonight. You can check them all out in the gallery here.
Well...gotta run. Today was wonderful---hope it was for you too!