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April 12, 2009


Alex Hughes

Hi Melissa

Love, love, love the red door. It's gorgeous.

Happy Easter to you and your family (hope your little one is better soon, we have been down this path and I know what it is like.)


what a sweet post Melis.
dh asked me the other day what color we should paint the door, I told him "red".
He didn't like that idea, as felt it would clash with the blue/grey house. I think it would look fabulous, I need to show him yours. beautiful job. :D


Happy Easter,hope your little one is feeling better,my youngest was forever having ear infections...small operation and he has not looked back since,thinking of you all.
I love love your red door gorgeous!!!!!!
Have a lovely day


happy Easter! hugs to your sweet little one, hope she feels well enough to enjoy the day!


Hi Melissa,
Happy Easter to you and your lovely family! I hope your little girl is feeling better today. Thank you for inspiring me!



Your little stories seem to bring a tear to my eye, but it is in happiness and not sadness. I remember those days, thanks for helping me to remember! Love your card and love your red's cool! Hope your little sweetie is well soon and looking for ole Peter! HUGS!


sigh! love that red door. i hope your little one is well for Easter. poor baby. my sweet boy had ear infections as well. not fun.


What beautiful, loving thoughts to share with us all Melissa, thank you.
I hope your little one is feeling much better for Easter & that you have a truly wonderful day.
Two of my children needed to have their tonsils removed but it was so beneficial to their health in the end.
Your red door looks beautiful, the perfect shade of red.
Happy Easter :)


What a lovely post. I love the baby card. And your red door is fabulous!
Wishing you a very Happy Easter!



I am stunned, this card is delicate, beautiful, cute...I love it!
I hope your little angel will feel better today and your all family will enjoy Easter Day.
Thank you for being such an inspiration.


Love the red door! Wishing you and yours a (Healthy!) Blessed Easter!

Jennifer Scull

saying prayers for your precious one! you have brought a tear to my eye as I remember the reason I truly love being a mother. my boys are all teenagers now, but the love only continues to grow stronger as they grow older! :)
I am lovin' your red door! and your card is lovely as always!

Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!

Gabriela (Gabi With An Eye)

Melissa, thank you for sharing such a sweet and personal post. The tears just sprang from my eyes as it filled me with love. I'll be praying your little one is able to enjoy this Easter Sunday. Oh! And you know I adore that red door!

Tami McBeain

You have such a sweet and kind spirit and I am always touched by your posts. I hope your sweet little one is feeling better and able to enjoy Easter. Love your beautiful card and your pretty red door!

Tricia Dee

Thanks, Melissa, for your thoughts on Motherhood - it's an awesome responsibility we've been given, but with all the grace we need! Hope you and your family have a Blessed Easter! Love your red door!

Rebecca Ednie

I also love that poem! I have it in either a board book dedicated to my babies or in my scrapbook (can't remember!). I love this card. So sweet and I love that it is gender neutral, I always struggle with those. You might want to try moist heat for your sweeties ear infections. Cut a small window (ear sized) out of a large zipper top bag. Soak a small towel in hot water and place in the bag (you don't have to use the bag but a big soggy towel makes a lot of mess otherwise). When it is cool enough that she can stand it but hot/warm as possible, lay her ear on the towel in the center of the window. If it cools too quickly, you can put a heating pad under the bag but don't let her fall asleep on it or leave her unattended. This should help reduce the pain in just a few minutes. moist heat relaxes the ear canal and helps the gunk drain. My kids thankfully don't get ear infections but I have a girlfriend who goes strictly homeopathically and she swears by it with her daughter. I am an RN and the premise is certainly sound and it sure can't hurt.


Good afternoon sweet Melis. I hope you and the little darling have had a wonderful "ear pain free" Easter! God Bless You!

Nancy J.

Your beautiful thoughts touch my soul. What a blessing you are not only to your husband and precious little girl but to all who read your blog or come in association with you. Your card is absolutely precious. And your wreath on your fun red door looks SO inviting. My heart goes out to your sick little one. But you are there and you do make the difference for her. Much love to you all and Happy Easter. NJ

Ann Drake

Love the door and I absolutely love the angle of the picture. What a difference that makes. Thanks for your inspiration!


Kari D

Three amazing things in one post: incredible sentiments and quote about motherhood; a wonderful card; and an amazing image of your front door! Life is good! Hope your munchkin is feeling much better and able to enjoy an Easter egg hunt...nothing worse than feeling nasty on a holiday with chocolate! Thanks so much for your continued inspiration. I have a baby card to make, and I have just the perfect quote for the insert now! Merci Beaucoup!

Alison Behan

Oh how I have missed your blog while I was on my holidays. I'm sorry that your little bean is poorly. It is hard to watch our children go through pain and sickness. Their normally rosy skin starts to pale and their eyes are void of the happiness that normally loves to live inside them. They lie on the couch and ask in their littlest voice "Mummy, can I please have a tv bed?", and "I'm so hot" and "I'm not a well bunny, Mummy". I do so hope that your precious little girl gets better soon, actually, very soon. Hugs to you and her as you snuggle together keeping each other company through the dark, silent night.

I love the beautiful card and welcoming red door. I need an update soon. I have no idea how it came about that you are showing your house this week????? HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN AWAY????? Right, Miss Melissa. Spill, SOUP TO NUTS......... (START TO FINISH) lol. No pressure.......

Lisa Hjulberg

As always, you articulate the joys of motherhood so well. Happy Easter Melissa!

Your card is wonderful... love the way you "aged" it, and the paper piecing. And I Love your red door. I've always wanted to do the same. Maybe I will!

Alyssa B

I really appreciate how honest you are about your love for your daughter. I only hope that I, one day, will have a daughter and that I have the capacity to love her in the way that you love lilybean. XxXx


Hi there I am extremely behind on notifying you that you are the winning of the Scraptastic Award. If you can get me 3 nominations for the award I would gladly notify them that they have been nominated and I will have them on a polling site for them to go vote for who they like better. Thank you for taking part in this and I am sorry that this is so late in getting this done. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

sylvia klink

Happy easter Melissa,
I love reading your blog, it gives me so much inspiration! I love the red door, it welkoms you! I also love the qoutes about motherhood, I think Iám going to use it on a present for my girlfriend se pregnant!

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