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May 28, 2009



What a beautiful present for the teacher. I love the quote inside, it's so true. The birthdaycard is a beauty as well and those dresses are so cute.


Hi there! It's been way too long since I've been to visit you, but again, I was amazed by your awesome talent! GREAT stuff girlie! HUGS!

Lee Cockrum

Making bread is not difficult! The main thing to understand is not to kill the yeast until you bake the bread. Yeast is killed by heat, not cold. So many people make the water that they dissolve the yeast in too hot. If it is a little cooler that "ideal", it will just rise a little more slowly. You can freeze raw bread dough, and it will rise after it is back to room temperature.

The best bread book that I know is The Tassajara Bread book by Edward espe Brown. I have an old, well weathered copy. It is now in print again, but I have only seen the bits shown on amazon. Although this is not a "technical, professional book", but it de-mystifies bread baking!

Hope this helps!


Love your gift and your cards, absolutely beautiful! We have one of the same goals, I would love to learn how to make my own bread, especially sourdough and a hearty multigrain that doesn't fall apart!


I love the Jardin Dress. I think if you have a little girl to wear the dress, then you have to go for it. I checked, it doesn't come in my size. :)


Hi Melissa your cards and teacher's goodies are just beautiful, what to say about this gorgeous Birthday card as well ...I love everything. For the dress make all of them they are too cute

Niki Estes

What a beautiful set, Melissa! I love the colors and all that glitter. I bet the teacher just loved it, too!


Very beautiful work as usual. Good luck on the bread, that is on my I'm going to do that someday list too. My mom is a pro at it and I'm sure I would make her proud! You are so lucky to be done school. I am in Alberta Cananda and my kids are in school until the end of June. I visit your site everyday and very much enjoy reading your posts as well as your incredible creations. Have a good day with the Lord.

Rachel S

Beautiful teacher gift set! I love your use of glassine bags. I've always just had cellophane bags, but I like the element of surprise with the glassine look. :) Need to get me some of those. Also love the dresses. My favorite is the last one. Lastly, let us know if you figure out the bread thing. I've been wanting to try it too, but just feel a little intimidated by the whole idea! Have a great weekend.

Melissa D.

These are beautiful!!! Great job!!!


Today was my daughter's last day of Kindergarten...I am so NOT looking forward to a full day of school next year when she's in 1st grade. I'm sure her teacher (your daughter's) loved the's lovely!

Kari D

I can only imagine how much your daughter's teacher must have loved having her in class. She sounds adorable...but who would not love to have little hand made GORGEOUS gifts coming in from you? OH MY GOODNESSES! So special. Thanks so much for sharing!

Mel Nunn

Awww how sweet. I bet Sierra's teacher loved her gift! Hope you have a sweet delightful summer!

Anne G

I always wanted to bake my own bread but never tried until I discovered the book "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day". See for more info. You don't have to knead the dough and the process couldn't be easier. I have made many different types of bread using this method and they have all been great.


Oh,Melissa! What a darling gift you put together for the teacher. And the dresses are to die for! I have three boys so no dresses for me...but I can hope for a granddaughter one day, right? Have a wonderful weekend!


I just am amazed by all your talents!


What a sweet little teacher's gift! I love those little dresses too, they are so adorable :)

Linda Albrecht

What a lovely teacher gift, Melissa. So sweet. Being that you are miss crafty, you can definitely make Sierra some pretty little dresses--even cuter than the ones you show--just wave your magic Melissa wand and they will be amazing, I'm sure!

I have a delicious bread recipe that I will send you. It is so so so good. It's a cracked wheat bread and I promise, I dream about eating that bread. Yum. Pretty easy too, you just have to be patient in waiting for it to rise a couple of times. Oh... and the kneading will give you killer abs!! ;-)


Angela C

I visit often but thought I'd comment this time. I love your site! You are so talented and your style reflects a lot of my style. Keep up the great posts and eye candy for us paper-lovers! God bless


bread baking - yum! its not hard. as Lee said don't kill the yeast in water thats too hot. I find the kneading by hand to be fun, but if you have a kitchenaid stand mixer with a dough hook that will do the kneading for you. another thing you might find is that it takes longer that the time suggested in the recipe for the dough to rise but thats OK, just be patient and it will get there


My daughter has posted some excellent bread recipes (and how-to) on her blog:

Jennifer Hansen

I always enjoy stopping by your blog, seeing your beautiful creations and hearing what your daughter has been up to. I have a daughter the same age, also with a big mop of hair and loves to hang with her daddy too. She also loves to craft and I've posted her latest on my blog.


I see the need for self~control ;) I would have to do the same. :D Any teacher would be blessed to have you as a student's mama.


So very lovely!

Many Blessings,

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