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December 27, 2009


Andi Sexton

Happy belated Christmas! I love this gorgeous card!!!!

We also got the holiday crud... I'm convinced we have to 'detox' from all the sugar, etc.

Clare Lloyd

I love this card. What beautiful craft products. I have wandered over to your blog for more than a year now (from the UK) and never left comment before. So thought i would this time, your crafty designs are very different from ours in the UK and very inspiring too! Thanks for sharing!!


sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. It is just magic with the little ones, we spent the day with our grandaughter Grace who is nearly 5.
It is such a shame that people have no inmagination and have to steal your designs, but I must admit your cards are so inspiring.

Big Hugs Carol x


Sorry to hear you're ill. We were ill before Christmas and it still lingers, so it was a simple holiday and that was refreshing. So sad to hear some must take from others, but best to protect your lovely designs! I must have missed some announcement here... is there a reason I didn't see your work in the latest PC?


I am so glad to hear you had a happy Christmas. Sorry to hear there is any nursing to be done but it's going around, huh? Take care!

Gabi With An Eye

Oh I just love those pink velvet flowers! LOVE them, I tell you.

Heather in FL

Beautiful as always. I don't comment much (though I should more because I'm here virtually every day), but I just wanted to say how sad I am that someone stole something of yours and passed it off as their own. You have such a distinctive style that it's amazing someone thought they'd get away with it. Sad that they even tried. Thank you for continuing to share your beautiful creations.

Victoria Resh

Beautiful card Melis...glad you and yours had happy Christmas. I've wondered about your ideas being used by others. I see another site that follows yours to the button! I just thought it was coincidence. Your designs are lovely. An inspiration! Be well!


Sorry to hear that you are all poorly but glad to hear that you had a great holiday season. I've often mistaken a card here and there as yours and it wasn't but it was completely your style. You have been the inspiration for many of my cards, soft colours, stitching and lace. Who would have thought of putting lace on their cards!!!! LOL.

Get well soon Melissa and family. I wish you a super New Year to come!


Susan Tethal

This card is like a breath of "Spring" air Melissa, love the yellows and pinks! Get well, get well, get well!


Merry Christmas Melissa! I am glad you are enjoying your time with your family. We are doing the same here :) Love your creations.


It is so sad that you feel you have to copywrite but I think it's a good idea anyway. I know that I get a lot of inspiration from your blog and found some elements of so many of your creations to use on my own cards. I love your bows and how you sometimes tie a button on your bow. I think that my own cardmaking has improved from the inspiration I get here on your blog!


Jan in Tucson

Melis, thank you for all of your gorgeous ideas but mostly I thank you for your genuinely sweet daily ramblings. I wish more people were as happy and content with their lives as you seem to be. God bless you and your family and may you receive only the best things in the new year. Rubber Hugz, Jan in Tucson

Nellies Nest

Such a pretty the colors of the pink and yellow...cut some trees on my Cricut in almost the same colors to use for notecards.....must be the time of year for it....your round card is gorgeous...TFS it with us!


Hi Melissa, glad to know your Christmas was great! It's unfortunate your work is copied...I had the same happen to me when I sold my cards on Ebay and my handmade envelopes were copied often. It made me very sad to see my designs "taken away" and I felt helpless. I haven't sold my work in a long while but finally have decided it's time to give it a try again....wish me luck:) Have a wonderful week!


I LOVE round cards too!!! Thank-you for sharing. I too, have found lots of inspiration here on your blog. Hope the "coodies" have passed. It does seem to be in the air. Happy New Year to you and your little family. ~J~

mary from maine

HI. Lovely card. I love your style and appreciate you sharing the inspiring ideas for us to use to wake up our own creative works of art. God Bless and know you are in my prayers for a quick recovery.


I think it's a great idea to put a protects you. I love coming to your blog. I don't share the same style, and yet, I always come here for inspiration...gets my juices flowing.

Erin Smetak

Merry Christmas, Melissa!

I don't know if you read all of your comments, but I just wanted to post a congratulations to you for your blog being published in The Art of Blogging! I was flipping through it in the grocery store, and I saw your pages!!! How awesome!!!! Congrats!!!!


Don't feel bad about copyrighting, unfortunately there are too many people out there who are unscrupulous and lack the creativity to just use inspiration to come up with their own cards and things.

Please keep creating and inspiring us. I'm not a card maker and have used your cards to inspire me to make some of my own. Usually it is one little thing you do or add to card that I never would have thought to add, but it makes the whole thing. Thanks again Melissa!

Becky G.

We're tucked in at home as well but not because of the sickies, we're snowed in! More than 14" the last few days. I've spent lots of time on the computer! I just love all of your crafty projects, you're so inspiring and uplifting. One tiny question, and I totally understand if you can't answer :) Where do you get your twill from? It looks so flexible compared to the kind I have. Hope your household gets to feeling better soon!


Lovely card. Just love the velvet flowers!


I love your cards have a touch of sober, elegant and with great variety of ornaments, very original, thank you very much for sharing with us all.

Melissa Weathers

Dear Melissa, I'm so excited to visit your blogsite. I got your address from the latest issue of "Artful Blogging" I purchased a few days ago. I have to say I absolutely am in love with your style. You have one of the BEST blogs I have ever visited. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful talent with the world. I will be back often to see what's new.
Melissa Weathers

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