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January 22, 2010



Sounds like fun....I know what I'll be doing this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

Sarah Martina

Gorgeous, the card and the photo. :)


Love your card, love the photo. I've changed my to do list :) Got to do some creating! Have a nice weekend!

Dana F.

Gorgeous card!! Thanks for the inspiration :)

Marcie S.

I am always inspired when I visit your site- whether it's the crafty creations you have, or your positive attitude. Your comments about your husband led me straight downstairs to tell MY own true love that he is a wonderful father.


I admit, I am an addict! I love your blog and I LOVE yours cards. It's a joy everyday to check your blog looking for wonderful pictures of pretty pretty cards!


Happy weekend to you too! I love your post today! I'm definitely inspired by Leslie's photo....her site happens to already be bookmarked as one of my favorite sites so I hope to play along....thanks for the inspiration:)

Patty M

oooooh! So pretty...I wanna play. Thanks for the inspiration.


Beautiful card and inspiration photo! I don't know if I'll get time to play along, but thanks for your continuing inspiration! And how funny, my daughter plays with my potpourri too! hee! Your view from your window is gorgeous with the mountains in the background. So peaceful!


great photo for an inspiration piece, and I love your cards too.

I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks for thinking of something to keep us who aren't at CHA busy!

Donna VW

I just love your blog - thanks!

rae barthel

what a gorgeous inspiring photo Melissa! I had a fabulous time being inspired by it today, you can see my end result here:
thank you for the challenge!

Paula Barin

Love your cards today and the inspirational challenge. Here's my card...


What a touching post. The love you have for life and art, for your daughter and your husband is infectious! I love the term "nerdy, lurpy girl" *lol*

The Valentine card is a cutie too. Thanks for another dose of Lissa light, the sun always shines a little brighter after I read your blog.


I don't think you would have ever qualified as a nerd. You'll have to trust me on this because I'm pretty sure I have an inside track on this subject. Also, so bad boys make good husbands?

Because if they do...I'm done for.

Oh, love the Valentine Day card...
what are your feelings on imitation is the greatest form of flattery? You really seem to capture all the things my mum loves... are you two talking to each other?


I love your blog Melissa, always full of inspiration and simple pleasures, thankyou!

I had fun with this challenge, here's the link to my card:

Anthea xo.


Hi Melissa, here's my take on your was fun! Thanks for the inspiration:)

Patty M

Thanks for the inspiration, Melissa. Had a chance to play's my take.


Ohh I hope I got this in on time.. thanks for the challenge..cant wait to see what you've created..

Melissa Sauls

Oh I don't think my comment took. Hopefully this doesn't come across as a double comment. I loved your inspiration photo and I love the inspiration that pours from your blog. Thanks so much for sharing.

Sarah Martina

Thank you for your wonderful inspiration, as always, Melissa! :) Glad I could play, and I'm so looking forward to the next one. :)

*Hugs & Love*


This photo made me feel good ALL DAY! I loved going to the site and seeing what inspired it. So soft, so pretty, so feminine! Thank you for sharing this with us - it was *truly* inspiring!

Lisa V

The photo you picked is so beautiful, soft and feminine. I love how seeing something can inspire us in our own work. Thanks for the challenge.

Lisa V

I don't think my information linked. Here it goes.


Here is my take:

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