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February 25, 2010



As always fabulous. I especially love the peach and aqua one! Very wise to take advantage of and to take and savor the time with your little blessing. Time passes quickly and they are gone before you know it!! :)


Great cards!

jen shears

Thank you for the sweet & gentle reminder- going to go kiss my sleeping little one....
*and beautiful inspiration, as always!*

Deb Zaremba

Hi Melissa,
Just beautiful cards. Thank you for sharing with us. Enjoy and cherish every moment with your family. Have a wonderful day.


melissa, family does come enjoy the fleeting time with your daughter and husband.


Oh I am in love with these cards, esepcially the teal peach one is stunning. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!!


Oh goodness! All your cards and gorgeous! I'm especially fond of the flower you just 'twisted' out of felt. I want to know how to do that!


What you wrote is oh so true.Time is going fast and yes we must enjoy the moment. Family comes first; always.
Thanks for sharing Melissa.
And you cards? You know :) always they are lovely and beautiful!

Victoria Resh

As I've told you many times, I look to you for inspiration not only in your cards but your words. Enjoy your family, enjoy your life...

Anabelle O'Malley

I cherish these times, too. They do go so quickly.Your projects are truly stunning, as always my friend!

Margaret Ann Durtschi

Just a huge thank you for sharing your heart-felt thoughts!

Ann D.

I needed that reminder and so well put. I'm way too often in too big of a hurry. Thank you for reminding me what's really important.

Alyssa B

you have calmed my heart as only your lovely posts can

jan metcalf

Your children are blessed to have a talented and loving mom! Is it possible to live in the moment too much? My children, both 23, have no scrapbooks, not even baby books to enjoy...just alot of miscellaneous goal now to create for their future families.

Lisette Harzing

I so absolutely love your style!


Gorgeous cards as always! I have been admiring the glittered frames you use, perhpas you could share with us how you make them sometime?

Becky Elliott

We all need this reminder to slow down, take another look at our priorities, and focus on the moments we have with our loved ones. The Bible says, "so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." Also, "thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." No one knows what tomorrow holds (except God), so yes, we should number our days!
Thanks for all the beautiful cards, Melissa! Enjoy your day with you family!


Your reminder of living in the moment is exactly what I need at this time in my life. Thank you so much for not only sharing your stunning cards but advice to help us become better parents.


Simply stunning!! Thanx also for the tender and sweet reminder. My children are grown and gone and I often wonder just where did the time go and how has it passed so quickly!! ~J~

Lisa Dorsey

Stunning projects my dear and incredibly wise words by Mr. Ballard!


Oh Melissa your post could not have come at a better time. I am constantly struggling with balancing my time w/Sophie and my hubby and feel tremendous guilt when I have to finish a craft project instead of spending family time. I don't want to miss the special moments and your post is a dose of reality...thank you! BTW, your cards are beautiful...enjoy your time w/your fam:)

Sue K

Melissa, you have such a way of putting things in perspective! A beautiful post and gorgeous cards, as always. I will savor the moments today!

Sarah Martina

Thank you for the sweet reminder to keep that which is most important in the forefront of my life. :)

And thank you for sharing these gorgeous creations! The bright pink chipboard on your first card, and the orange & blue on your second card made me perk right up in my chair! So pretty!

Elizabeth S.

Time does go by quickly! Enjoy every moment you have with family that is so important!
Thank you for sharing you wonderful talent with us, I love everyone one of your projects. They are just absolutely gorgeous!

Beverly Gotthardt

You really make some beautiful pastel creations.

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