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September 29, 2010



This is lovely; how sweet of you to make this. And these gifts are always!
Have a wonderful day!

Niki Willaert

Melissa, your work always amazes and inspires me! How cute are those little bags? Just precious!

Alyssa Byron

too cute for words, and I am so glad I just bought that rustic branches set just last week

How cute!

Patty M

Love that scrumptious yellow, golden color...perfect for fall.

june lanum

I ordered some of your etsy, I tried to e-mail you but it wouldn't go thru. you have my address as 26 gallop dr, it should be 246 gallop dr. Thanks these are just adorable.


These are just adorable, Melissa! Love how you stamped right on the fancy doilies!!! So cute!

Alice W.

these are so cute!

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