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February 18, 2012



Thanks so much for writing this, Melissa and for sharing your feelings. You are and always will be a paper-crafting idol in my eyes and I have been reading your blog and admiring your work for years - you are no frumpy crafter! Haha Getting work published is harder than ever these days (back in 2008 when I started, submissions were much, much lower and acceptance rate was much higher). But I think that just forces us to conquer our fears (I have submission anxiety as well) and try to create something new and amazing. Thank you for sharing your work and your honest words with us! It means a lot.

Patty O'Malley

This card is so beautiful! Love the stamped images. I think your work is totally gorgeous and cannot image anyone rejecting it. You are not a frumpy crafter--I love your style and that would then make me frumpy, too! Seriously, your work is always amazing and filled with wonderful inspiration. I have never submitted anything for publication as I don't feel my work measures up. Perhaps I need to get over that feeling. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us and all your beautiful projects. I love that pom-pom jar--did it come that way or did you make it?

Debbie Marcinkiewicz

Oh my goodness gracious ... you are, in my little ol' eyes, one of the most inspirational paper crafters that I know, sweet Melissa! You not only share beyond amazing cards and projects, but always have a special little something to blog about. I so enjoy visiting your blog, reading about your sweet life and being inspired by your lovely treasures!!

And ... your pom-pom storage jar is a0dor-able! I must get one!!

Hugs, sweetie!

Sheila R

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Your work is always a delight to see.

liz droege

melissa what a wonderful post, I have tried and tried many times to be a dt member and have felt so dissappointed, but then i say o well, your post is right on the button!! and that jar is amazing may i ask where you found it? i would love one!!

kimber mcgray

1st Melis - thank you for this BEAUTIFUL card! It's so you! DON'T EVER change your style!

2nd I could say Amen! to every point in your post. For the record, I just submitted 4 cards to a call and none were picked up. I have to write my own books to have more cards picked up. ;)

Love you and I am so glad to call you MY friend!


I too have felt the submission rejection and have been so disappointed that I walk away from it all until I see another beautiful creation and I'm back in my craft room creating. I have stopped entering my cards in contests as I don't like to feel that kick in the stomache! But that is just me. Thank you for all the inspiration you share with all of us out here!

Lisa Rodriguez

I completely understand where you are coming from. I entered my first contest last year and didn't win, the rejection was horrible.
On a happier note, your card is so beautiful! Thank you for the inspiration!

Theresa Lee

You are always an inspiration Melissa, and I love your style! I often marvel at your creativity and only wish I had your artistic eye. Be proud of yourself and your creative accomplishments, and take heart in knowing that you have so many admirers and touch so many lives with your art and with your sweet words!

ReNae Allen

Your heartfelt post touched me on many levels. First of all, you should never second-guess your work. You answer only to yourself, and should NEVER let anyone or anything make you feel that your work is not good. Just because you are not selected for publishing at any given time, does not mean your work isn't good.
Sometimes I see something published that I don't particularly like and wonder why it was selected for publication. We all have different tastes in what art is.
That's the beauty of blogging! You can post your work to your blog, and let your work shine! I subscribe to only a few blogs and you are one of them! I look forward each day to what you create, what you say, and your unique outlook on life, love and family. Many of my friends refer to you as "the woman with the beautiful daughter"!
I don't want you to think that I don't understand your feelings of rejection. I do understand it. I am disabled and remember always getting chosen last in gym class, and not making cheerleader, even though I had lots of spirit! We all get rejected now and then, but what I learned a long time ago was that if I knew I had done my best, and that I gave it everything I had, then what I did was good.
I am highly competitive, and eventually when I went to work in sales, I strived to be the #1 salesperson. I loved being the best. But when I became too disabled to work, I had to adjust. I was at home now. Nobody tooting my horn any more. Then I found paper crafting.
Now as a paper crafter (only 2 years now) I have been told that I am talented. It came to me as a pleasant surprise! I just enjoy it. I don't post much but I did start a blog.
My blog is not nearly as good as yours, not even close. But it's mine. And I'm okay with that. And for inspiration, each day I go to your blog and find some of the best cards and projects I have ever seen! Your work is outstanding and I'm sure everyone who reads it will agree!
You touch our hearts each time we read your posts, and you inspire us with your outlook and art work, so the next time you question yourself, please go back to your blog, and read the comments we leave here.
It should be clear that in the eyes of the people who matter, (your followers) that you are current, talented and one of the very best paper crafters ever!


Beautiful card love the bouncing children xx

Kolleen moss

Thank you for your encouraging words. I so love your blog. Yours was the first I ever visited and I still call it my favorite. I love this card. It is the sweetest. In my top 5 ever. Just love it. Thank you for all the inspiration you provide all of us. Hugs!

Connie Collins

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with all of us. I can really relate to how you feel. Art is so subjective. If we didn't have any valleys, we wouldn't have mountain top experiences either. As much as rejection hurts, the thrill of reaching our goals is worth every bit of the pain. Never change who you are in order to accepted, but always strive to be better tomorrow than you were today.

Even though our styles are very different, I enjoy your blog and love seeing the beautiful things you create. You are AMAZING!

Kelly Schirmer

Seriously, I could just never imagine anything of yours getting rejected. Honestly! I finally got a card picked up last summer after many previous submissions, but have not submitted since! I know that freezy kind of feeling when you look at a call and wonder what to make. So hearing your words has inspired me to try again (sometime!). Your words are always as beautiful as your creations, Melissa!

Alessandra Loiacono

Oh dear Melis, please, you are beyond talented and your style is SO unique, and beautiful, and gorgeous, and soooo many people try to copy you and become you. Don't ever change, you are beautiful!
But, I just cannot believe how, anyone could say no to your creations?!?! They are out of their minds, period. At the same time, you are helping others because, I always thought that you, for example, would never be rejected... That is just crazy to me, since I think you ARE the most amazing paper artist today (and always and forever), I guess what I am trying to say is that is never easy and that we should never give up because even really amazing, talented people like you, have a hard time too.
Still, what I don't understand is when I see ugly stuff in their magazines, and they say no to you, I will never understand...
Love your card and love your pom pom storage, so cute!! Would love to have one! ;)

Lisa M

Your projects are amazing and the love you have for your family shines through your words. YOU and your blog are an inspiration to me.


Melissa..I needed this post as I submit very few things, but around November last year I decided to give it another try..I had never submitted to this mag before as it is fairly new in the last couple of years..It wasn't much time that went by and I got a acceptance letter for my project..I was so happy and my heart had been filled with Joy..My 9 year old was so happy for me and I told all my family and friends..I had had so much sadness in my world with my Dad's passing and such that I was so excited..When the end of January came I didn't see my project in the mag..I called this particular company and they informed me after all that time of not informing November-January that they had to pull my project because I had used another die cutting machine as well as theirs on my project...I felt crushed and hurt and ashamed..I have submitted a few times since then, but haven't been picked up again..I just need to pray and wait..I love coming to your blog and love the realness that u bring..Although u have been a inspiration to sooooo many people u r yet to be a brat about how popular u really r...I will keep trying and try and hold my head high after a huge let down because people like u continue to inspire me..Krista |


Amazing card and thank you so much for the words of encouragement.

Linda L

Love your sweet card for Kimber, love your delicious pom pom jar and love your wise and kind are such a dear sweet thing I love to visit your blog...thank you!!


Such a great post Melissa! Don't you dare step away :0) Your talent and spirit is needed in the craft world! K

Jo R.

Hi Melissa, I wanted to thank you for such an honest, heartfelt blog post. I adore your beautiful creations and I'm so happy to visit your blog & see your gorgeous art and read your wonderful words. I love that you give me inspiration through your creations, and also through your kind, humble words. I truly appreciate the time you take to blog & create! I also LOVE your pom pom jar. Beautiful!

Jo R. (Australia)

Rebecca Ednie

I absolutely adore your blog, your style is NOT outdated at all! I love every shabby bit of every card you make. I subscribe by email and I read yours before every other! Thanks for the inspiration and please keep putting glue on paper and showing us all!

Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

Hi Melissa. I'm new here and loved your post but honestly I am just in awwhh of your card. This is one of the prettiest cards I've ever seen. I can't wait to see more. You certainly don't have anything to be anxious over. Your work is unbelievably beautiful.

Hugs from your newest follower...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute.

P.S. I hope you stop by my blog to visit.


Another beautiful card for Kimber, and I love your pompom storage jar, Melissa!

I agree with everything you had to say...especially the anxiety part. LOL I actually stopped submitting because of the anxiety I allowed it to give me.

karen Stephenson

How refreshing! It is amazing to read that you, someone I hold is such high regard, would ever feel these feelings. I am constantly blown away with your style and designs. So, please keep on keeping on. Love the things you do with bits and bobs and soft colors and romantic notions all vintage. Karen

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