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July 21, 2012



I think Ms. Martin's card was adorable, very sweet. As usual, Mrs. Phillips, you created another gem as well.


This is such a pretty card♥!
Always so much inspiration visiting your blog.

Have a question for you. Was trying to find the glitter that you have used. Maybe you can help me find it?

Greetings from Sweden/Gunilla


wahouuuuuuuuuu j'adore !! trop belle ta carte !! bisous !!

Jeannie L

Love your take Melissa... Love the elements you added and yet it is not over the top. Thanks for the inspiration.


I love the pattern paper added and the extra banner!

Elisabeth Larsson

Thank you for all the turorials, Hi Melissa! I LOVE your tutorials, please make them coming! This tutorial was my very favorite of all the tutorials of the Stamp-a-faire. It's very interesting to hear how you think, what makes you do the choices you do, and to see how you create a stunning card like this one! :)
Hugs from Elisabeth (elbeth) Larsson

Elisabeth Larsson

LOL, my last post was a bit strange! Here is the real one:

Hi Melissa! Thank you for all the tutorials. I LOVE your tutorials, please make them coming! This tutorial was my very favorite of all the tutorials of the Stamp-a-faire. It's very interesting to hear how you think, what makes you do the choices you do, and to see how you create a stunning card like this one! :)

Hugs from Elisabeth (elbeth) Larsson

Patty O'Malley

You are the perfect person to go to for papercrafting "first aid"! Love the little bows, buttons and pearls you added to the banner.

Patty O'Malley

Just popping back in to say I just finished viewing both tutorials today and enjoyed them immensely! Wonderful tips! Thanks for sharing how you think with us.


Your tutorial on this card was fantastic! I loved it SO much! I look forward to seeing much more by you!

Gretchen Wilson

Love, love it, This has been a wonderful weekend and I've learned so much. Thanks for sharing.

pat smith

What a great card! I have never felt I would enjoy the banners, but now feel they may be a must for me. I love the card before and after! Also enjoy the BG papers and foofoo! I am not good with that, but would love to do it as well as you do!
Hugs, Pat

Barbara Martin

Thank you so much for giving my card some first aid (and for your kind comments)! I love the way you changed it up with all the wonderful layers and textures. Your tutorial shed so much light on the process of layering - a skill that does not come naturally to me! Thanks again!

Nancy Penir

Love visiting your website. Your first aid breathed fresh air into an already cute card. Thank you.


Hi Melissa,

I just watched your video tutorial. It's funny to be able to put a voice to your picture and blog. Great job on the card .... as always! I love how you mix everything but make it all work together!



I;ve been watching the video and enjoyed it. I often asked myself how you come up with all your gorgeous projects and it has been fun to have a peek of the process. This card is gorgeoous; as ususal :)

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Pravkar sem gledal video tutorial. To je smešno, da bi lahko dal glas za vaše slike in bloga. Velika naloga na card.What velik kartice! Nikoli nisem čutil bi uživali pasic, zdaj pa menijo, da je lahko treba za mene.

Sharron / Sharrahug

I really enjoyed watching your video tut. You are so very creative.
Huggies ~

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Wow. What a makeover! I love what you did with the card Melissa, you are a true artist. The original one was okay, but the new one is just absolutely fantastic! Keep up the wonderful work!

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Maria Baker

I have been finding good stuffs which are beneficial for my students and this one might be a good project for them to further understand the importance of first aid if an accident will happen.

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