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February 01, 2013


kelly Booth

These are soooooo Sweet Perfect Little Treats!!


I made Valentines for my daughter and after seeing your projects I'm starting over. Your projects are so very cute!! Thanks for sharing.

Jan Marcham

These are so adorable, Melissa! If I was still teaching I would most definitely use these for my students but since I'm not I think I will put them in a file marked "Grandchildren" for the future. I simply love them! Your projects inspire me so very much.


What cute little creations and NOT sweets. Great ideas. Thanks so much.


These are just too cute!! Thanks for sharing a non-sugar filled valentine idea :)

Elizabeth Jensen

I've been away for a while, and it'[s been such a refreshing treat to visit your home on the internet. I am in love with all the darling valentine goodies you have designed. Sure have missed you and your blog. Decided to start-up my blog again too. Know I will be visiting for lots of inspiration. Sure love your cute stuff.

Debbie Olson

So stinkin' CUTE, Melissa! You make me happy. :-)

Elizabeth S.

Oh these are just so darn adorable! Love the ideas of the game sets! You are so creative and full of inspiration!

Mendi Yoshikawa

Adorable! Especially love the tic-tac-to game card with the darling zig-zag stitching! The hugs and kisses XOXO's are so perfect for Valentine's day! :)

Patty O'Malley

I can see Valentine's Day will be a fun time in your home! Love these projects.

Pam Young

I always love everything you do!! I have to say thr tic tac toe is my favorite!! I just love the way you used your sew simple border stamp.

Lisa Petrella

ADORABLE projects!!! And such GREAT alternatives to candy!!!


OH. MY. GOSH. Every single project is GORGEOUS! And I love that you have so many ideas that don't revolve around candy!!

Diane Jaquay

These are SO creative, and utterly ADORABLE!!!


What fabulous projects! They're all beautiful! And nice to see some without candy.

Sherri Nowak

thanks for the link for the valentine bingo cards.. and my perfect colors too!

Tracey McNeely

Melissa loved your post and all the cute treat bags. I have a technical question for you. I tried to use the
Sew Simple Borders recently to make a tic-tac-toe board and I had SO much trouble lining my lines up. Do you have any tips to help me?


Valentine and kids are a guarantee for the sweetest and cutest projects. I love your take on these Valentine supplies. Sweet but not too sweet. Just perfect...

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