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August 24, 2013



I do like your sea glass. I can't see the glitter, did it work? Seems like a cool idea but I would worry it would clog my sprayer. Thought your tag turned out really pretty.


A truly "sweet" sea glass card! Beautiful, Melissa!


Oh gosh Melissa, this is just so gorgeous and soft and so you. Love the colours and all your little details.

Nancy Penir

Beautiful! That sea glass is my favorite! Love the project you did!

Melissa, what a creative idea to custom mix different colors together! I completely agree, it looks just like sea glass!


That is so beautiful. I was thinking about the Hexagon Cover Plate when I was reading the other DT blogs, and now I know how well it works.

Patty O'Malley

You are simply the best in the creative process! Love this!

Danielle Flanders

Gorgeous colors and design!


So sweet, so much like you!

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