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September 14, 2013


Holly Saveur



Just lovely!

Patty O'Malley

Oh my gosh, Melis! These are beautiful! I love the tags and the one liners.

Larissa Heskett. ;)

Beautiful Creations for today Melissa !! ;)

Marcie Rhys

Holy smokes! Your work just keeps getting better and better (and I thought there was nowhere for you to go when you first joined Papertrey's team). Your simpler cards are just as fabulous as the ones with ALL that detail you so skillfully apply. That heart, on the second card, knocks my socks off!

I recently went back to the early days of your blog, and it was a treat to see how your styles have evolved, all in great taste.

jan m

In reading through your 'how to' wondered if you are adding gold to other embossing colors to make the shimmer? Or if you just meant the strip of gold... Wonderful ideas and designs! Love the bell stamp collection too!

Jill norwood

Melissa these are so lovely! And I love the photos of your little one! They grow so quickly! Thanks for the beautiful inspiration! :)

Diana K

Seriously Melissa, your pull-out card is giving me goosebumps! From that precious photo to each one of your embellishments, it's simply a treasure. Love.


Terrific photo card! Like the pic. Great way to dress up a store-bought photo card, too. Your daughter is so darling! :)

janet wilson

Absolutely exquisite, Melis! Your photographs are amazing!



Beautiful, stunning, magical. Love your creations and as always, gorgeously different. Just can't wait each day to see what magic will appear from you:) Thank you for always sharing.


Beautiful! I love the look you created with the sleeve and the black and white photo.
You have such a wonderful love for your daughter. You touch my heart when you write about her.


I love both projects so much. Your little Sierra has the most photogenic beautiful smile. This die will make Christmas gift grandparents will love!

Jan Marcham

Everything you do is so amazing! I just love what you did these last two days for PTI. Thank you again and again for sharing with all of us.

Susan Gosman

Absolutely gorgeous!

Wanda M.

I love to receive photo cards for Christmas, as well. You can look back over the years to see how the kids have grown from year to year. You are such an amazing designer.


She is becoming such a little lady!! So fun to watch her grow..and back to! Love your rendition of the
one liners!!!

Cynthia Clark

Love the One Liners!

Kristen V

I agree with your color combination choices. It's rich elegant look. Thank you for the tip about using double sided paper.

Becky Green

HOW ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) LOOOOOOOOVE the photo of your "little bean!" :) AND to see just HOW MUCH she has GROWN UP TOO! :) You've done a WONDERFUL JOB with BOTH of these cards Melissa!!!!!!!!!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ALL of the little elements you've added!!!!!!!!! AND those One Liner Dies! JUST ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Grace so

Loved the different techniques you used with this one die. I just love your techniques.

fonda rush

if that's your little girl, she isn't so little any more! i love watching her grow up. photo cards are such a fun idea!

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Perrine Kennedy

Lovely card, thanks for sharing :o) I am struggling finding your dotted paper !!! or any double sided paper that would have a low contrast on one side to be able to stamp !

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