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October 13, 2013


Holly Saveur

Love the first card!

Leigh Penner

Super sweet cards, Melissa! I didn't realize the set came with wings and a halo!


Melissa, gorgeous cards. This isn't a set that I'll be buying but love what you created...;-)


I am so mushed up right now....I think you made some ADORABLE projects!


So very sweet and perfect in every way! I love them both!

jan m

Naughty or nice? Very NICE!


A half die cut & half embossed heart garland? You are genius, Melissa! Love your sweet creations!

Marcie Rhys

These are fantastic in every way. No one else used the "naughty or nice sentiment", and it's too perfect when it comes to "man's best friend".

Your second card is adorable, but more than that, it is a compositional masterpiece. First, I wouldn't even have the courage to use the palette you chose, with it's wide range of values. (When you use color like that, there no place to hide compositional weaknesses.) Yours is SPOT on.

Your million little details work so harmoniously, that the look is clean - not cluttered. I use to wonder how you would be able to incorporate your Victorian style with Papertrey's sensibilities. (Needless to say, this thought is from a long time ago.) Boy, could I have been more clueless? Thank you for the enormous care you give to all your art, and the inspiration we find every time we visit.

Tara Chaussee

Cute dogs and cute sentiments! Both cards are beautiful!

janet wilson

Wow, you "dress up" your cards with such panache :)

LOVE love!!

Linda L in Tennessee

What Marcie Rhys said (so well)...amazing cards; mini masterpieces, really!

Patty O'Malley cute and sweet!

Susan Gosman

You never fail to amaze - beautiful work


Both your cards are adorable and show the fun and versatility of this set, Melissa. Love your color combinations and composition. Thank you for sharing!

Grace so

Cute cards.

Cynthia Clark

So lovely. Love the wings!


Super cute pup cards! Like the pet and pet sentiment sets. :)


I love your cards especially the angel puppy.

Milagros C rivera

Simply irresistible!!!! and way to go with those color palettes!

Becky Green

HOW did I miss this post yesterday??? SUCH SWEET PUPPY GOODNESS!!!!!! (ALTHOUGH, I'd have to say, our puppy has been "NAUGHTY!!!!!!!" LOL In the trash last night!!!!! You can take the puppy off the street, but you can't take the street out of the puppy! ) LOL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE your SWEET PUPPY CREATIONS MELISSA!!!!!!!!!:)

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