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April 25, 2014


Tracy Evans

Gorgeous box and coordinated card, stunning designs and wonderful attention to detail. Beautiful. Tracy x

Ivana Camdzic

Melissa, this is such a beautiful and touching post. I sit here, with tears in my eyes...Inspired, uplifted, and hopeful, that all the beautiful women who read this post fell some comfort from your words of hope, encouragement and your beautiful outlook on life's challenges and blessings. Opening your heart and sharing your story is so incredibly brave, and I hope you know how may hearts will feel a little lighter after reading your beautiful words. I sincerely hope that you will one day again be a mummy to another sweet little bundle of joy, and that the little family you have now is forever showered with blessings of love and joy. xoxo p.s. Beautiful, beautiful creations as always :)


There is so much I want to say but I don't know how to write it. I've cried over this post. Impressed by your story XXX

Sue in Grapevine

Lovely! Your gratitude in both directions is touching.
My children were easy to come by & I think, because of this, I did not appreciate them enough when they were little.
Continue to enjoy your girlie -- each stage has so much fun!

Patty O'Malley

Your post brought tears to my eyes as you wrote things I connect to completely. Our son is a young man now and I've treasured each and every moment with him. Cannot imagine a life without him. We are blessed with the special people who've entered our lives. I love the sentiments you've shared as well as your beautiful creations. Thank you, Melis.


Melis your art and your words always touch my heart! Thank you for sharing your self with us and giving encouragement to all of us. I love that about you!!

Ros Crawford

Oh my goodness you know how to make a girl cry ... Beautiful post ... words I echo ...
Beautiful creations as always ...

Becky Green

What a lovely tribute to motherhood Melissa! Absolutely Beautiful! :) it warms my heart to listen to someone who treasures being a mother! In our world today, sometimes it is hard to find mother's that feel this way about their those they gave birth to! You always bless those who come here with wonderful, uplifting words! THANK YOU! ;)AND as always, such WONDERFUL Creations! :) BLESSINGS!!! :)


My dear Melis, mother's day posts are among my favorites in your blog, so touching, so inspiring, so uplifting, you are so brave woman! And my admiration for you grows!
Thanks for share with us such inspiration! I am crying, i am here whenever you need!! Hugs from Mexico!! Happy mother's day in advance!!

Alison Behan

You are always so eloquent. When I read your posts about Sierra I always think that you should write children's books. I think you would be fantastic at them. I don't have any words of wisdom or of magic. I know you have heartache, I know you hurt. So I am sending you the biggest hug, Hun from across the many, many miles.

Gina Eggebrecht

I always love your Mother's Day posts - because I understand. My story is not quite the same as yours, but I understand. Beautiful words, Melis!


A wonderful post filled with lots of love for your mother and of being a mother! I, too, have dealt with infertility. I understand many of your feelings. We have an adopted son. He is 26 years old now. We love him dearly. Why it is our cross to bear is a very good question. All I know is that we have one wonderful blessing with our son. And, of course, the other gifts and talents that God has given us. I do know that through my journey I have helped and inspired others. Maybe that is God's plan. You are truly an inspiration. You speak from your heart and soul with truth and sensitivity. Anyone and everyone can learn from your words. I thank you for your amazing eloquence! Take care and God Bless!


Your words brought me to tears... Such a beautiful post!

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