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September 06, 2014


Jennifer Schmidt

The muffins look delicious and the card is beautiful... and moms, they're the best, aren't they? No matter the scenario, how big or small the issue, no matter how old we grow, they're always right there as quick as can be, saying and doing just what we need them to, even when we wouldn't know what that is. They know and they're right there doing it. You are such a sweetheart. I have followed your blog for years, and while I don't comment as often as I probably should, I always look forward to checking in here a few times a week to see your beautiful work and read your inspiring words. I hope that everything is alright and wish you and your family the best :)

Jill Norwood

So glad that we have our mothers when times are hard and our souls are weary. I pray that all is well for you and yours and that the joys of the day filled your heart with smiles. Blessings and hugs!!!! :) Jill


Pretty floral card! Love all the layered flowers, leaves, etc. Great color combo, too. The muffins look delicious. I like zucchini muffins, bread, cookies ... mmmm. Nice tiered server, too. :)


Big hugs melissa

Becky Elliott

Beautiful card and muffins! Could you share your recipe with us?!!

Dana Kirby

Thinking of you and your family today. Take Care.

Becky Green

WONDERFUL CARD MELISSA! I am sending BIG HUGS to you! I know this life can get tiresome & stressful! Sometimes, there is so much going on.... God is SO GOOD to hold us when we need it! Draw close to Him & HE will fill that space that is aching right now with His love! Praying for you! ;)

Patty O'Malley

You are loved, too, Melis! Hugs to you! Hang in there. Your card is so pretty and cheerful. Those muffins look delicious--you are making me hungry!

PJ Olander

Sorry to hear you've been feeling low. It's good that your mom is there to help. Love your sweet voice and manner and creativity. I'll say a prayer for you too.


My favorite thing about this post is the quote at the end! Said a prayer that you'll feel better soon. Muffins and Moms - the best combo for when we aren't feeling well. Because no matter how old we get, we'll always need our mamas!

Linda Patterson

Thank goodness for moms. I hope you are in a better place soon... so sorry you've been low. I look forward to reading your blog everyday - you are such an inspiration as an artist and a person.


What a sweet tradition! They sound delish!
Your card is beautiful.
Momma's are the best, aren't they. Hang in there.

Diane from MN

Made the muffins (including the cocoa) as a treat to take to the office - delicious! Several requests for the recipe proof they were really liked.

Troy Louise

Yummy! We have a similar tradition at our home. I love making muffins. But, I don't have a pretty blue plate for them! Love your card & hope you are feeling a little better today. Big Hugs.


Hope you have joy in your day. Thinking of you.

Larissa Heskett =)

SENDING WARM HUGS AND SWEET PRAYERS AND SMILES your way!! Love Saturdays too and the idea of these YUMMY Muffins!! =) Beautiful Card too!! THANKS for sharing and have a Fabulous Week!! =)

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