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February 03, 2015


Patty O'Malley

Yes, sometimes things happen in life to make us aware of what is important. Sending prayers for that dear little girl. Your card is so pretty and sweet, Melis.


What a beautiful post and I hope your daughters Eye doctors daughter is okay Melissa prayers and hugs to you too and I love your card


My heart and prayers go out to Kycie and her family. When I read the post about her Mom being able to hold her and the physical changes that occurred at that time, it reminded me of that incredibly special bond we have with our Mothers. Nothing on earth is like it. :) Hugs to your tender, caring heart for sharing Kycie's story--and your own thoughts, Melissa. As always, a wonderful design and card. xx

Kim B

Beautiful card, beautiful message. Sending up prayers for Kycie.

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